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Ruggedized tablet, TPM and data protection

Ruggedized tablet, TPM and data protection

The development of telework and mobility in general requires an adaptation of means of data protection. Indeed, connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots like those of hotels, restaurants, etc. Allows to hackers use malware to extract a ransom, or obtain confidential...
Rugged tablet price : how much does it cost ?

Rugged tablet price : how much does it cost ?

Ruggedized tablet : an overview of a sustainable investment The industrial tablet, also known as a ruggedized tablet, represents a short term investment but a real source of profitability in the long term. Explanation : as you’ll see, a rugged tablet is more expensive...
Rugged tablet : the story of a revolution !

Rugged tablet : the story of a revolution !

  Ruggedized tablet, a constant revolution   A real element of our daily life, the digital touch tablets have come a long way since its creation in the late 80s, until today. Great revolution in the world of new technologies, it is required quickly asa real...
The disinfection of rugged tablets

The disinfection of rugged tablets

Did you know? The CoWorker tablets stay by your side to respect the transmission barriers All Coworker tablets are compatible with the disinfection protocols that we need today, more than ever. You have certainly returned to your professional activity, and you wonder...
Electronic waste

Electronic waste

Did you know ? How to reduce your ecological footprint in terms of electronic waste ? In 2018, 939 million pieces of electrical and electronic equipment (all categories combined) were placed on the market in France, which represents approximately 1,928,995 tons, that...